Kimmy Fasani | The Bomb Hole Episode 219
This week's episode is all about mindset and strength, and this week's guest, Kimmy Fasani, is here to lead by example. In tandem with the release of her new documentary "Butterfly In A Blizzard," Kimmy comes into the studio as a beaming light. And we're ready to follow. She's a ripping snowboarder, a mother, a breast cancer surviver, and a gem of a human. Tune in as she walks us through her rollercoaster of a life and gives us insight and depth like no other. You won't want to miss this one. Follow Kimmy on Instagram Watch Butterfly in a...

Bomb Hole Group Chat #19 With J-Stone, Seth Huot, and Joey Fava
In an all new and incredibly action packed episode of Bomb Hole: Group Chat the gang explores some of snowboarding's most complex and intricate topics. We consult with our product expert Joey Fava, I mean J-Stone, about how to pick the right board for you. Seth Huot gives us the much needed inside information on what went down with Volcom. We get a call from Lucas Magoon who just lost part of his finger; it doesn't get more entertaining than that. All this and more on this week's episode of Group Chat! Keep up with the crew Chris Grenier Joey...

Ben Poechman aka Soulboarder | The Bomb Hole Episode 218
If we're having a conversation about DIY and initiative it's only fair to mention this week's guest: Ben Poechman. Ben grew up riding on a farm. He built his own features and was forced to look at snowboarding through a unique and creative lens. He continued to use this creative lens as he creative his own videos, filming himself using a selfie stick and a tripod. Today his creativity branches out into all aspects of his life. He's a painter, a stone carver, and a ripping snowboarder. All this and more on this week's episode of The Bomb Hole! Follow...

Bomb Hole Group Chat #18 With Sam Taxwood, Knut Eliassen and Kelsey Boyer
In this week’s installment of Group Chat Chris and Silk sit down with Sam Taxwood, Knut Eliassen and Kelsey Boyer to dissect some of snowboarding’s hot topics. We call Tommy Gemse mid street trip to get some in the field updates. We finally get to the bottom of why rails are sticky sometimes. We dream for a resurgence in boardercross. And most importantly, we make fun of Knut’s head. All this and more on this week’s episode of Bomb Hole Group Chat! Keep up with the crew Chris Grenier Sam Taxwood Knut Eliassen Kelsey Boyer SILK Thanks to our call...

Charles Beckinsale | The Bomb Hole Episode 217
With all this talk about spin to win, halfpipe and the overall current state of snowboarding: there’s nobody better to talk to than a park builder. So we got one of the best, Charles Beckinsale, in studio to educate us all on something we likely take for granted. He gives us a deep dive into what makes the perfect jump. He explains the importance of smaller park features. And he drops some facts about the current state of contest snowboarding and the effort the goes into creating these mind blowing set ups. All this and more in an incredibly interesting...

Eric Koston, Dashawn Jordan & Ishod Wair | The Bomb Hole Episode 216
We gathered some of the biggest names in skateboarding for this week's very special episode of The Bomb Hole. Eric Koston, Dashawn Jordan and Ishod Wair join us in studio to discuss some of life's deepest questions such as: who has the greatest kickflip, what exactly are smelling salts, and where does the word "hubba" come from? We get into that and so much more with an unlimited supply of banter in between. You better not miss this week's episode of The Bomb Hole! Follow Eric, Dashawn & Ishod Eric Koston Dashawn Jordan Ishod Wair Show Notes Young Nudy’s...