Patreon Couch with Ivika Jurgenson
Today on the couch in the lounge of our studio, we talked with Ivika about to ask her questions submitted by our Patreon members about Vermont, ice cream, and street spots.

Patreon Couch with Joey B
Here on the couch in the lounge of our studio, we sit with Joey B HowYa Doin to ask him questions submitted by our Patreon members about sandwiches, bitching out and moving west, and much more.

Patreon Couch with Ylfa Rúnarsdóttir
Here on the couch in the lounge of our studio, we sit with Ylfa to ask her questions from our Patreon members about video part songs, the USA, and women.

Patreon Couch with Danimals
Here on the couch in the lounge of our studio, we sit with Danimals to talk to him about the persona Dirtbike Dan, inspo growing up, Minnesota, and more, all submitted by our Patreon members.

Patreon Couch with Jason Robinson
Here on the couch in the lounge of our studio, we sit with J Rob to talk to him about Montana, DMs, and spirit quests, all submitted by our Patreon members.

Patreon Couch with Savannah Shinske
Here on the couch in the lounge area of our studio, we sit with Savannah Shinske to talk to her about east versus west, the Uninvited, creativity, and more with questions from our Patreon members.