Blue Montgomery | The Bomb Hole Episode 92

Former professional snowboarder from Marshalltown Iowa, Blue Montgomery is the founder and president of CAPiTA Snowboards and one of the founding partners of Union Binding Company. In this episode we talk sailing with Travis Rice, CAPiTA, Union, Marky Mark And The Funky Bunch, the war on Cheeto fingers, bandoleros in Mexico, cracking under life’s pressure’s, The Secret, being positive, The Mothership, responsible manufacturing, becoming a pro snowboarder and so much more! Sit down with Blue Montgomery on this week’s installment of The Bomb Hole and hear firsthand how a small-town kid from Iowa went on to become a professional snowboarder and founder of one of top brands in snowboarding.
Chapters -
0:00:00 | Intro | Bubba’s Bar | Good Old Days | Iowa | Sailing With Travis Rice |
0:22:31 | Mexico | Summer Snowboard Camps | Pipes Over The Year’s |
0:50:22 | Moving To Utah | Pabst Bowl | Pub Beer Crap Shoot | Marky Mark | Getting Sponsored | Getting Into Whistler Sumer Camp Scene |
1:10:20 | Van’s | Name That Video Part | The War On Cheeto Fingers | Finding Balance In Life | Fatherhood | BMX |
1:41:01 | The White Snowboard Of Death Raffle | Dealing With Life’s Pressures | Being Positive |
2:09:29 | CAPiTA & C3 | Origin Story | CAPiTA Riders | Snowboarder’s Support Snowboarder’s |
2:36:49 | The Mothership | Responsible Manufacturing | Becoming Pro | Make It Fun |
2:54:09 | Advice For The Young Entrepreneur | Naming CAPiTA | Passing Knowledge |
3:04:16 | Advice To Young Snowboarder’s | Hot Take’s | Set Up | Thanks |
Show Notes -