Dale Rehberg | The Bomb Hole Episode 101

One of the first snowboard pros to come out of the midwest whose style and approach made a huge impact on the sport changing it to more of a skateboard-influenced vibe. In this episode we talk early days of snowboarding, getting sponsored before the internet and instagram, the path to pro in the early '90s, small town talent, Joy Ride, Ride, cutting boards down, plane crash, Sal the dog, the effect of the first Ride team, fork in tongue, aging out of pro snowboarding, life after pro, selling fun for Nidecker and Flow and so much more! Join us on this weeks episode of The Bomb Hole as we sit down with Dale and hear first hand how a punk kid from the cornfields of Wisconsin with blue hair and a nose ring moved west with his friends to Breckenridge, Colorado and created a new style of snowboarding that forever impacted snowboarder’s world wide and is still having it’s effects to this day!
Chapters -
0:00:00 | Intro | Early Days | Finding Snowboarding | Getting Sponsored | Supportive Parents | Early Contests | Small Town Rippers |
0:17:52 | The Path To Pro | Summer Camps | Breckenridge | Joy Ride | Changing Snowboarding | Hitting The First Rails | Cutting Your Tip And Tail Off | T Bolt Stance | Making Movies |
0:40:48 | Friends | Name That Video Part | Roan Rodgers CB Story | Argentina Plane Story |
0:54:58 | Joy Ride To Ride | Fork In Tongue Photo | Tree Bonk Photo | Ride Snowboards | Baseless Bindings |
1:10:56 | Sal The Dog | Pub Beer Crap Shoot | What Age Can You Be Pro Till? | Life After Pro |
1:27:58 | Rebuilding From The Ground Up | Sales Rep | Flow | Nidecker | Current State Of Snowboarding | Fuse Ball Story | The Ride Team |
1:41:29 | Crazy Snowboard Events | Being Humble | Hot Takes | Set Up’s | Family Man | Thanks |
Show Notes -
Show Notes-
The Hard The Hungry And The Homeless