Darrah Reid-McLean | The Bomb Hole Episode 90

This die-hard snowboarder from Winnipeg has filmed many amazing video parts with a deep love for street snowboarding but also holds her own in the mountains. In this episode we talk the power of a good booty, the peg, the female snowboard scene, The Uninvited, Tosh.0, women supporting women, Dinosaurs Will Die, camper life, yoga, breath work, dealing with injuries, and so much more! With a few amazing video parts already under her belt, Darrah had a tough break and lost the support of her sponsors. She decided not to let it define her and jumped back on her board making a strong comeback which lead to her turning pro and getting a pro model from DWD. Hear about her journey firsthand on this week’s episode of The Bomb Hole!
Chapters -
0:00:00 | Intro | The Peg | Being A Canadian Rider | Problems At The Boarder | Filming | Booty Power |
0:17:00 | Injuries | Taking A break From Snowboarding | Advice For Younger Self | Don’t Give Up |
0:31:50 | Yoga | Breath Work | Over Thinking | Coming Up Snowboarding As A Women | Woman To Male Video Part Ratio | Supporting Woman’s Snowboarding |
0:48:00 | Living In A Camper | Name That Video Part | Pub Beer Crap Shoot | The Uninvited |
1:08:56 | Turning Pro For Dino’s | Dinosaurs Will Die | Oakley Hot Take’s | Tosh.0 Bail | Set Up’s | Thanks |
Show Notes -
Let’s Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow