Frank April | The Bomb Hole Episode 145

This Quebecois urban snowboarding powerhouse was part of the legendary Deja Vu crew who’s display of shredding in the streets put Canada on top of the rail game cementing a new standard for all east coast Canadians to come that you did not have to move to British Columbia to be a top pro, you could do it right at home in Quebec, not only do it but do it bigger and better then pros all over he world. This week we talk Quebec, speaking Quebecois, charming people in he streets, running a business, fatherhood, the Trick Police, sleepwalking, diarrhea, Partying, dealing with heavy injuries, Japan, running a hotel, operating restaurants, the difference between BOTTLE and BUTTHOLE when you are Quebecois and so much more! Frank is without a doubt a one of a kind human who will work just as hard for his crew in the streets as he will when its time to get himself a shot, he is known for hitting large street spots and for having an even larger personality to boot. Join us as we learn from Frank a little bit about Quebec Snowboard culture and most importantly hear first hand how this juggernaut not only became a pro snowboarder but also became a legend to our sport in the process!