Maggie Leon | The Bomb Hole Episode 95

Maggie Leon is not only a ripping boarder but also a mechanical engineer working at Burton Snowboards. She works on in-line product as well as products for the adaptive program helping amputees and riders with special product needs get on snow. This week we talk Red Bull Heavy Metal, mechanical engineering, Spotheads, losing family, working at Burton, helping adaptive snowboarders, step-on bindings, The Craig Kelly Rapid Prototype Facility, women’s snowboarding, the future of snowboard products, and so much more. Join us on this week’s episode of The Bomb Hole as we sit down with Maggie and find out how she navigates two careers at once while killing it at both.
Chapters -
0:00:00 | Red Bull Heavy Metal | The Early Days | Injuries | Mechanical Engineering | Dark Side Shop | First Sponsor |
0:17:12 | Spot Heads | Insane Snowboarder’s | Snowboarding And Collage | Losing Dad | Internship At Burton To Job At Burton | Working With Adaptive Snowboarders |
0:40:50 | Inline Products | Craig Kelly Rapid Proto Facility | Step On Bindings | Name That Video Part |
0:56:40 | Pro Snowboarding Vs. Engineering | Working At Burton | The Product Freezer | Women’s Snowboarding |
1:23:36 | Brother | Pub Beer Crap Shoot | #volcombombproof | East Coast | Long Distance Relationship |
1:39:46 | Hot Takes | Future Of Snowboard Products | Set Up | Inclusivity | Favorite Spot Heads Moments | Whats Next | Thank You’s |
Show Notes-