Mark Carter | The Bomb Hole Episode 85

Rancher/cattle driving in the summer pro snowboarder in the winter! This week we talk farming, cattle, hunting, being a different kind of pro snowboarder, grounding yourself, hanging with Timberlake and Sir Elton John, Facing jail time, snake milking, river dicking and so much more. Mark Carter is one of the most unique pro’s you will meet join us and hear first hand how this Cow Boy from Wyoming became a pro holding sponsors into his 40’s and beyond on this weeks episode of The Bomb Hole!
0:00:00 | Intro | Gathering Cattle | Dealing With Cow’s | Small Town Life | Traveling | Farming |
0:21:12 | Weed Killers | Farmers Lying For Money | Too Much Stimulation | Grounding Yourself | City Life |
0:41:15 | Snowboarding | Collage Drop Out | Jackson Hole | Travis Rice | A Different Pro |
1:05:02 | Choosing Your Crew | Shitty Days | Calf Grafting | Manscaped | Snake Milking | River Dicken |
1:19:19 | Name That Video Part By | Ranching & Snowboarding | Natural Selection | Complacency |
1:36:57 | Trouble With The Law | Facing Jail Time | Taking Accountability | Timberlake & Elton John |
2:05:50 | Carter Country Meats | Be Positive | Having A Partner | Snow Advise | #volcombombhole | Pub Beer Crap Shoot |
2:25:17 | Hot Takes | Hunting | Support local Ranchers | Range Finder | Tooth Picks | Set Up |
Show Notes-