Bomb Hole Group Chat #18 With Sam Taxwood, Knut Eliassen and Kelsey Boyer
In this week’s installment of Group Chat Chris and Silk sit down with Sam Taxwood, Knut Eliassen and Kelsey Boyer to dissect some of snowboarding’s hot topics. We call Tommy Gemse mid street trip to get some in the field updates. We finally get to the bottom of why rails are sticky sometimes. We dream for a resurgence in boardercross. And most importantly, we make fun of Knut’s head. All this and more on this week’s episode of Bomb Hole Group Chat! Keep up with the crew Chris Grenier Sam Taxwood Knut Eliassen Kelsey Boyer SILK Thanks to our call...

Bomb Hole Group Chat #14 with Sage Kotsenburg, Spencer Schubert & Max Raymer
In this banter filled episode of Bomb Hole: Group Chat, we fill the booth to the brim with our hand selected banter specialists and we cover all topics imaginable: dissecting all of snowboardings current affairs. For some reason, the group narrowed their focus on a new form of regenerative natural resources stemming from the mind boggling rotations happening in Stubai. Perhaps this is new field requiring more scientific research. Who knows. They also looked into Phil Hansen's first split board double cork, contest judging, product talk, and so much more. But they mainly focused on this newly discovered renewable energy...

Group Chat #12 with Craig McMorris, Sage Kotsenburg & Jeremy Thornburg

Group Chat: Uninvited Edition W/ Jess Kimura, Ylfa Rúnarsdóttir, Nirvana Ortanez & Abby Furrer

Group Chat Episode #11 w/ Scotty Stevens, Joey Bauer, Todd Richards & Eddie Wall