Aaron Draplin | The Bomb Hole Episode 74

This mid westerner is a juggernaut in the graphic design world who’s humble beginnings started with designing logo’s for the snowboard world for brands like Solid Snowboards, Grenade, Union, Coal, Nixon as well as laying out magazine’s like Snowboarder and Snowboard Mag. This week we talk graphic design, Applestorification, the power of logo’s, branding, immersing yourself into snowboard culture, working shitty jobs, using your mouse finger for good, logo’s with thick lines and so much more. Find out how a kid from the Mid West went from chasing the snowboard dream to becoming one of the most talked about graphic designers of our time on this weeks episode of The Bomb Hole!
0:00:00 | Intro | Mid West To PNW | Solid | Snowboarder Mag | #volcombombproof | Brighton Resort | Union Bindings |
0:28:24 | Dachshund’s & Marky Mark | Meeting Fans | Draplin Tour | Utah |
0:53:14 | Comfort | Branding/Logo’s/Design | Applestorification | Snowboard Mag/J2 |
1:13:52 | Bubs Naturals | Liquid Death Spinning Wheel Of Death | Draplin’s Process | Shitty Jobs |
1:42:09 | Ikon Pass | Be Easy To Work With | Draplin’s Book | Magazine’s | Trade Shows |
1:59:48 | $0 Or $50,000 | Use Your Mouse Finger For Good | D.D.C. | Draplin’s Empire | N.T.V.P. |
2:27:53 | Immerse Yourself Into The Culture Of Snowboarding | Pub Beer Crap Shoot | Thick Lines |
2:50:16 | Hot Takes | Politics | Stamp For USA | Draplinism | Inspiration | Thank You |
Adobe Max Speaker Aaron Draplin
Draplin Design Co.: Pretty Much Everything