Tim Ostler | The Bomb Hole Episode 5

A life changing spinal Injury, life in a wheel chair, a snowboard career cut short, a ride or die love and finding humor in all of life’s trying situations all the while staying positive. This is the story of Tim Ostler. When Tim came crashing to the flat bottom of the Half Pipe he instantly realized something was wrong, he could not move. His body was twisted, not sitting right and what he did not know was his spinal cord was partially severed. In that moment he did know he would never snowboard again. As most people would spiral into a pit of despair and depression Tim took a different approach. Life in a chair was not going to be a death sentence. Instead he was going to be positive and take each challenge as they came and deal with this head on. His high school sweet heart Kellie was by his side and with a love as strong as theirs they were going to get though this together. Tim teaches us the most important thing in life is the people you surround yourself with, from friends to family its all about your relationships. As Tim adjusts to life in a chair he see’s the love from the snowboard community at a whole new level as they rally to do everything they can to help him adjust. He fills the desire to stay active by finding a new passion in a sport called wheel chair rugby aka Murder ball. He marries the love of his life and comes to the conclusion that he is pretty damn good at life in a Chair. Tim shows us how you handle these situations in life is what shapes you and makes you who you are. Lets navigate Tim’s Bomb Holes and maybe after hearing this story re-evaluate the problems that we all face. Maybe they just aren’t that bad and maybe if we learn from Tim we can get through them and live our life's to the fullest. Welcome to another day at the Bomb Hole!
The Early Days | 00:01:02
Pursuing A Life In Snowboarding| 00:07:57
The Accident | (S.C.I.) Spinal Cord Injury| 00:23:37
The New Normal | Adjusting To Life In A Wheelchair 00:34:16
Kellie Ostler A True Ride Or Die | 00:37:35
Name That Video Part | 00:39:08
Murder Ball | 00:41:11
Life After Boarding | Finding a Career | 00:44:14
Driving Car's With An S.P.I. | 00:51:07
Shitting Pants | Catheter Test Subject With A Boner | Losing a Ring In your Prison Purse | 00:56:16
Would You Go Back And Change The Past If You Could | 01:16:21
Mary Chutes at Brighton resort in Utah
Fall Line Films Critical Condition
The Hard Hungry and the Homeless
Classic Mt. Hood highway hit session in the half pipe
Tim Ostler Sustains Neck Injury
Sports Related Neck Injury Stats
The Wizard Of The Wasatch Website (great Place for Avi info)
Driving a Car using Hand Controls