Tyler Bereman | The Bomb Hole Episode 33

Dirt bikes, X-Games medals, Red Bull Imagination, parallels between moto and snowboarding, riding a dirt bike in down town L.A., injuries, rehab, blasting on quarter pipes and more! Tyler Bereman is a third generation dirt biker who went from chasing down first place in motocross races to building his own custom courses and becoming a freerider in the dirt bike world. He is known for his whips that basically look like he has the ability to bend a dirt bike in the air and this move has won him gold medals in best whip contests and x-games as well as prominent video parts. His most recent exploit Red Bull Imagination just dropped last month where he built the super park of the dirt bike world and sessioned it with a hand picked crew of the worlds best talent showcasing the top level of in this genre. With three unique Red Bull projects under his belt in one year there is no telling what he will do next but its obvious the sky is the limit, literally. Tyler is the most chill down to earth guy you will meet and when asked by Grenier how he approaches these huge air’s he simply says “Don’t think, just go!!”. Welcome to another episode of the Bomb Hole.
Getting Into Snowboarding | Injuries | 00:02:15
Rehab And Recovery | Racing Vs. Filming | 00:06:15
Mitch Payton Story | Whips | 00:13:08
Quarter Pipe's | Video Inspiration | 00:23:33
Name That Video Part | 00:35:08
Help From Twitch | Making Merch | 00:37:32
Signing With Red Bull | Red Bull Imagination | Vicki Golden | 00:45:03
Being a Producer Vs. Athlete | Butt Whips | 01:03:03
L.A. Edit & Red Bull Projects | Whats Next? | 01:13:55
Todd Potter Best Whip X Games Gold